Joint Applied Mathematics and Statistics Seminar 8.10

The Joint Applied Mathematics and Statistics Seminar continues.

On Thursday, Oct. 8th, Petra Virjonen (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health)
will give a talk starting at 10:15 at lecture hall Arcanum 2.


Optimized reference spectrum for rating the airborne sound insulation in buildings for neighbor noise

The aim of the study was to find a single-number-quantity for airborne sound insulation representing living noise that correlates well with the subjective experience. The shape of the optimal reference spectrum was sought through optimization by formulating the problem as a nonlinear optimization problem with constraints, and solving it numerically. The experimental data utilized in this study was gathered from listening tests conducted in laboratory [Hongisto et al., Subjective and Objective Rating of Airborne Sound Insulation – Living Sounds, Acta Acustica United with Acustica, Vol 100 (2014)]. The data consisted of subjective responses to living noises from 59 subjects. The subjects had listened several types of living noise through various filters representing commonly used wall constructions, and rated, how loud and disturbing the sounds were. Optimal reference spectra were calculated for each type of living noise separately, and also for living noise in general. The resulting optimized reference spectra achieved better correlation with the subjective data than the existing single-number-quantities from ISO 717-1:1996 and ASTM 413 (1999). A suggestion for a reference spectrum for normal living activities is given at the frequency range of 50 – 5000 Hz.

All interested are warmly welcome!

Joint Applied Mathematics and Statistics Seminar 8.10

The Joint Applied Mathematics and Statistics Seminar continues.

On Thursday, Oct. 8th, Petra Virjonen (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health)
will give a talk starting at 10:15 at lecture hall Arcanum 2.


Optimized reference spectrum for rating the airborne sound insulation in buildings for neighbor noise

The aim of the study was to find a single-number-quantity for airborne sound insulation representing living noise that correlates well with the subjective experience. The shape of the optimal reference spectrum was sought through optimization by formulating the problem as a nonlinear optimization problem with constraints, and solving it numerically. The experimental data utilized in this study was gathered from listening tests conducted in laboratory [Hongisto et al., Subjective and Objective Rating of Airborne Sound Insulation – Living Sounds, Acta Acustica United with Acustica, Vol 100 (2014)]. The data consisted of subjective responses to living noises from 59 subjects. The subjects had listened several types of living noise through various filters representing commonly used wall constructions, and rated, how loud and disturbing the sounds were. Optimal reference spectra were calculated for each type of living noise separately, and also for living noise in general. The resulting optimized reference spectra achieved better correlation with the subjective data than the existing single-number-quantities from ISO 717-1:1996 and ASTM 413 (1999). A suggestion for a reference spectrum for normal living activities is given at the frequency range of 50 – 5000 Hz.

All interested are warmly welcome!