Joint Applied Mathematics and Statistics Seminar 25.2

We will continue our Joint Applied Mathematics and Statistics Seminar this weeks.

Date: Thursday, February 25, 2016
Place and time: Quantum, Room M2, 12:30-14:00
Title: Validating a hypothetical pathway structure by mechanistic modeling

Speaker: Maria Jaakkola

Pathways are interaction networks body uses to transport information and react to changing situations. They consist of genes, proteins and other functional units.  Typical questions in pathway analysis concern estimating activity of a pathway, discovering new pathway structures (or completing already known ones) and detecting pathways that behave differently between populations of individuals. This talk is about the second type of question: How are neurotransmitter receptors related to activation of MAP kinase in neurons?  A hypothetical pathway structure is validated by comparing empirical observations to theoretical results obtained by mechanistic modeling based on suggested pathway structure.

You can find the list of past and future talks here

All interested are warmly welcome!